Orthodontics Lansdale, PA
Clear invisible aligners that can correct and or straighten your teeth without disrupting your life or your smile!

ClearCorrect aligners are a process that can correct and straighten your teeth, improve function and enhance esthetics to give you the smile you have always wanted. Misaligned teeth are not just an esthetic issue; clenching, grinding, TMJ issues and overuse of one side of the mouth when chewing can often be a result of crowded or misaligned teeth. We offer orthodontic treatments in Lansdale, PA, like Clear Correct technology to correct and improve both the look and function of your teeth.
Records are relatively quick and no longer require messy impressions like traditional orthodontic braces. You will receive a recommendation for treatment along with an animated representation of your case in around 2 weeks or less. Most orthodontic treatments in Lansdale, PA can be completed in 5 to 9 months, with minimal office visits.
Other Orthodontic Services
In addition to Clear Correct, Kessler Dental also provides services including retainers, space maintainers, splinting, lingual bars and night guards.
"I am very happy with my orthodontic results so far!"

“I just left my appointment with my new ClearCorrect trays. I am very happy with my orthodontic results so far and I’m not spending a fortune like I did with my daughter's braces. It is so nice to know there are options and this office works with you! Dr. Solovey is very gentle and caring and has made me feel at ease every time I’ve been there. I highly recommended this office.” CH